I was a bit taken aback at first. Reduce the price? But our clients are happy with that rate! And our price is already lower than that of other suppliers of municipal software. Why drop our rate?
“Integrity,” said the General Manager. “The fact is that the head of that department tells me his costs are down. The service is operating smoothly, we are encountering fewer problems and we are saving time. The service and the rate were based on our commitment to client needs in the first place. Now that our costs have dropped, we’re passing those savings on to our clients.”
It is one of the things I love about working for MuniSoft. It’s not that we aren’t interested in profit. We have to make money to stay in business. But we also want to be fair. Our clients get what they pay for. And when it is possible, we pass the savings on. After all, it is all about relationships!